Transitioning from School to Summer

*FOX 43 AM Live appearance on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 was produced by KSNT 27 News.
Keep Routines
Daily routines provide a sense of structure and security for everyone.
- Set a sleep routine - we are all better when we get a good night's rest.
- Keep up the self-care routine (bathing, dressing, teeth brushing, etc.).
- Have some type of schedule (visual schedules such as a calendar are important).
- Example: Stay at home in the morning and in the afternoon, go on adventures, or do special activities.
- Example: Monday is the day for crafts, Tuesday is going to the pool, Wednesday is lunch at the park, etc.).
- Keep chores as part of your routines.
- Learn how to do a new task around the house.
Continue Learning Experiences
Take advantage of teachable moments.
- Continue Math, Reading, and Writing in Fun Ways
- Visit the library (keep a written or photo journal to share with others).
- Read to your child or have them read to you (do this daily).
- Have your child help write the grocery list, write and send postcards to family members, etc.
- Use choice boards to allow your child to make selections (an activity they would like to do, type of snack they want, etc.)
- Adventures during the summer can include science museums, nature walks, historic locations, setting a goal, and learning a new skill.
Balance Family and Friends
Social skills are important and we need to continue practicing skills with friends in community settings.
- Meet friends for playdates.
- Participate in a community activity.
- Learn to play a new board game with friends.
Lastly, do not forget to have a Countdown Calendar for the first day of school.
This information was provided by Linda Burgen, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (retired in January 2024).