Feeding Therapy
Clinical research shows that 80% of children with special needs will have some type of feeding and swallowing disorder, compared to 20% of typically developing children. Some of the feeding challenges we address include oral motor and swallowing difficulties, mealtime routines, behavior, tube weaning and transitioning to solid food, oral defensiveness and aversions, and failure to thrive.
Our pediatric team of occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists are specially trained to evaluate and provide individually designed interventions to address pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. We work closely with your child’s doctor and other providers to coordinate care and determine a plan that will best fit your child’s needs. Emphasis is placed on training the parents/caregivers in how to implement these interventions at home to improve skills across all settings.
If you would like more information about feeding therapy, contact our Pediatric Services Coordinator at 785.272.4060 or by email here.