Each day, decisions are being made in Kansas, Washington D.C. and across the country that affect people with disabilities and Capper Foundation’s ability to provide life-changing supports and services to them. We are engaged in advocating and educating public policy makers about the challenges and needs of people with disabilities and service providers. Compassionate public policies and adequate funding are necessary to continue building abilities and empowering people of all ages living with disabilities. Please join us in our important disability advocacy efforts.
Capper Foundation
2025 Legislative Priorities
Employment Opportunities for Kansans with Disabilities:
Research indicates that 28% of Kansans with disabilities aspire to work, but they need employment support—such as job preparation, training, and coaching—to thrive. We urge the legislature to continue safeguarding and expanding employment support and funding for Kansans with disabilities, as well as providers who are creating innovative solutions to uplift all Kansans.
- In April 2023, Dialogue Coffee House joined with Capper Foundation to support individuals of all abilities in Kansas communities with opportunities to be valued, enjoy access and independence to advance their hopes and dreams providing skill building and job opportunities to over 50 Kansans.
- The reimbursement rate for Supported Employment services (SE) is $17.87 per hour, an amount wholly inadequate to retain the required highly skilled employment specialists who develop job opportunities and train persons with IDD on the job.
- Expert analysis has indicated the need for an hourly rate of $50 in order to enable IDD service providers to offer Supported Employment services across Kansas. Because of underfunding, SE is only offered sporadically across Kansas.
IDD Waiting List:
We thank the Kansas Legislature for their leadership and commitment to reducing the intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) waitlist, bringing critical support and services to individuals and families in need. Your action during the 2024 session and directing $17.8 million to the IDD and physical disability (PD) waiver programs will help a combined 1,000 individuals get off the waiting lists.
- Continue to reduce barriers to providing essential IDD services.
Provider Capacity:
A strategy to stabilize and build the capacity of disability service providers to adequately serve Kansans with IDD.
- Establish ongoing fiscal stability and certainty for the IDD system.
- Prioritize funding that enables nonprofit disability service providers to offer competitive wages. This investment is essential to attract and retain skilled, dedicated staff who provide vital support to individuals with disabilities, ensuring high-quality, consistent care and supports across Kansas.
- Increase the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) reimbursement over inflationary increases experienced since the last rate increase in July 2022.
Expand Medicaid for Kansans with IDD:
Increase access to health care services for Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
To contact a Kansas State Legislator - click here for the Senate or click here for the House of Representatives
To contact a U.S. Senator or Representative - click here for the Senate or click here for the House of Representatives