Sue (1944)
Disclaimer: The following was transcribed from an article in the Capper Foundation Archives, originally published in Capper’s Weekly. The choice of words used at the time this was written may not reflect current Capper Foundation inclusive language and views.
Sue (1944)
by J.M. Parks
No wonder Sue smiles! Born deaf, or practically so, she never in all her nine years knew the sound of her mother’s voice until The Capper Foundation for Crippled Children made hearing possible for her.
Not even the camera could hold Sue’s interest. She turned away quickly to smile at her mother when she spoke just as the picture was made.
Her mother was happy, too! You may judge from her own words: “Last Saturday, Sue came in from her play with tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around my neck and said, ‘Oh mother, I’m so happy I can hear!’ It was one of the happiest moments of our lives. I shall never forget it. I have waited months for that very sentence!”
Handicapped by deafness, Sue has been unable to keep up with her classmates in school. Now that she can hear what the teacher says, she will be able to advance with the other pupils. She can take her part in all activities like other normal children.
She is only one of many handicapped children whom the Capper Foundation, through the generous contributions of friends, has helped to take their rightful places in life. While Sue is catching up with her hearing and learning the use of speech, William is being treated for clubfoot, Gerald for bowlegs, Dora Lee for crossed eyes, George for harelip, Arthur for organic deformity, Jeanette for infantile paralysis, Billye June for osteomyelitis, Keith for dislocation of hip and many others for different handicaps. A new world is being opened up for all of these little ones who had a bad start in life.
This has been a year of big accomplishments for the Capper Foundation. The possibilities for the future are limited only by the generosity of the people.